Online Vintage Stores You NEED to Know About
Online Vintage Stores You NEED to Know About
Vintage clothing: all cool art folks need it (at least if you want to fulfill the cool coffee-shop-going, art-school-attending aesthetic). Over the last year or so, as my bank account decreased and my interest in secondhand clothing increased, I’ve developed quite the appreciation for vintage clothing. The thing is though, that a lot of decent vintage clothing is really. freaking. expensive. And, as much as I love fashion and think a little splurge is justifiable every once in a blue moon, we don’t all have hundreds or thousands to spend on used clothing. But wait! There’s hope! As many of you have probably figured out, a common theme on my blog is spending as little money as possible in basically every area of life. This, my friends, is called college-kid budgeting, and it’s something that we should all do. Whoever said that you need to be rich in order to be stylish was full of LIES. LIES LIES LIES. I look decent/considerably stylish about 67% of the time (I’m wearing pajamas the other 33%) , and I never wear anything expensive (unless it was a gift, of course). What’s my trick? Goodwill, but also CHEAP VINTAGE!! Here are some awesome online vintage stores, all of which are relatively inexpensive, but still have super rad clothes. Enjoy !!
Embrace Your Misfit Soul,
xoxo Julia B.