Reflections + Musings
Reflections + Musings
as many of us know, being young carries its own load of difficulties: puberty. self-identity. sexuality. self-discovery. school. homework. defiance. school. people. etc etc etc.
yesterday, i had an identity crisis (which is pretty typical for me). i panicked, i pondered, i ate some french fries. i panicked some more.
here a list of thoughts that have have crossed my mind, both in the last 2 days and in the last 2 minutes:
- are french fries really bad for you
- should i go vegan
- i want to be vegan and eat raw food and feel fabulous and earthy but i also love mozzarella and ice cream and cream cheese
- am i good enough because honestly i feel like a potato
- why do i over-think everything
- why am i so scared to do a headstand in yoga
- why am so overly cautious
- do my arms look fat
- does my back look fat because i definitely have some back rolls
- speaking of rolls i would love a cinnamon roll
- why is donald trump such an idiot
- are we about to enter world war III
- i wish i could save all of the children in syria
- my yoga teacher says i need to do regression work in order to figure out and overcome my fears
- are psychics real
- should i major in fashion design or fashion marketing
- why do i have such a shitty temper
- obama is such a nice man
- why do i feel like i’m having an identity crisis
- what if i suck at fashion design because at the moment i’m definitely not doing too well in my design class
- i really want a puppy
so yeah. happy wednesday folks 🙂
xoxo julia b.